Menggunakan kendaraan pribadi tidak selamanya memberikan kenyamanan pada penggunanya. Hal – hal yang membuat tidak nyaman apabila saat macet atau ban kendaraan kita mengalami masalah (kempes) dan tidak sedikit mengakibatkan pecah ban di tengah jalan jika kita tidak pernah peka pada kondisi ban kendaraan kita.

Apa saja sih ciri – ciri ban mobil kempes yang harus kita ketahui agar terhindar dari hal yang membahayakan?

1. Terdengar suara gemuruh yang sedikit lebih kencang
Saat Anda menyetir akan selalu terdengar suara gemuruh karena ban menyentuh aspal. Akan tetapi, saat ban kempes suara gemuruh ini terdengar lebih kencang bahkan hingga ke kabin karena permukaan karet ban kempes, sehingga permukaan ban yang menyentuh aspal jadi lebih lebar.

2. Ban terasa lebih empuk
Ketika ban kekurangan angin, maka ban akan terasa lebih empuk (spongy). Hal ini tentunya dikarenakan kondisi ban yang underpressure, sehingga tak sekencang saat kondisi normal. Ketika ban lebih empuk, pasti Anda akan merasakan ada yang berbeda saat mengemudi, terutama saat melalui gundukan atau jalan yang tidak rata.

3. Berkendara terasa keras saat melewati jalan yang tidak rata
Kemudian, saat mobil melintasi polisi tidur atau jalanan yang tidak rata, mengendarai mobil akan terasa lebih keras. Pasalnya, ban yang kempes tidak dapat memberikan toleransi saat melintasi jalanan yang tidak ratanya. Saat melewati gundukan, maka permukaan ban dalam dapat bersentuhan dengan velg sehingga terasa keras saat berkendara. Hal ini juga berpotensi membuat ban bocor.

4. Mobil terasa lebih berat dijalankan
Selain itu, ban kempes juga membuat mobil terasa lebih berat untuk dijalankan. Sebab semakin berat ban, maka semakin berat juga beban mobil, sehingga kecepatan mobil pun sedikit berkurang dari biasanya.

5. Setir mobil dapat belok dengan sendirinya
Masih ada satu ciri lagi, yakni setir mobil bisa berbelok dengan sendirinya. Mengapa? Sebab jika salah satu ban mobil kempes, maka kemudi akan cenderung mengarah ke arah tersebut. Misalnya jika ban mobil sebelah kanan kempes, maka setir mobil dapat berbalik ke kanan dengan sendirinya.

Apabila Anda mengalami salah satu ciri dari ban kempes di atas, sebaiknya segera mencari bengkel terdekat atau jika kondisinya tidak memungkinkan lebih baik Anda tidak melanjutkan perjalanan / berhenti di bahu jalan dan mencari bantuan seperti derek mobil. Karena alasan itulah yang membuat Seara hadir di tengah – tengah Anda agar dapat membantu saat Anda mengalami kesulitan dalam perjalanan. Keluarga Anda di rumahmu menjadi tenang karena Anda kembali dengan aman setelah melakukan perjalanan.

How To Becoming a Safer Driver

Safe driving is the first step in preventing accidents on the road. This month focuses on reducing leading causes of injury and death at work, in our homes and communities, and on the road. Vehicle safety is more important than ever since statistics are showing that auto accidents are on the rise. We understand that there are more distractions than ever while driving these days; the map on your car’s dashboard won’t work, the kids are screaming in the backseat, and your cell phone is buzzing, but it is your responsibility when you get behind a wheel to ensure your and others safety.

Here are Tips You Can Take to Become A Safer Driver:

1. Focus on driving.

Keep your attention and eyes on the road at all times. No-multi-tasking while driving, put all the distractions away and focus on what is happening around you.

2. Plan Ahead.

Everyone is always running late which can cause high speeds and distracted driving. Wake up a little bit earlier so you can leave for your commute a few minutes earlier. Doing so will help you slow down. Give yourself some extra time in case there are accidents on your route, or you need to stop for gas along the way.

3. Go the speed limit.

It seems pretty simple, but the speed limit signs are there for a reason; to protect you and others on the road. If you are speeding more damage can be caused when an accident does occur. Remember: it is okay to maintain the correct speed limit and let others pass by you.

4. Watch the weather.

During inclement weather, drive at slower speeds to avoid skidding on ice or hydroplaning. Turn your lights on day or night when it is raining or if there is fog. Remember: when the weather is terrible, go easy on the brakes to maintain better control over your vehicle.

5. Look both ways at an intersection.

It only takes a few seconds to look both ways before going again after the light turns green. Before you cross, take a quick peak left and right to be sure that no other cars are coming through the intersection.

6. Keep your distance. No one likes a tailgater.

The rule of thumb is to be three seconds apart from the car in front of you. Double that amount if there happens to be bad weather. Don’t underestimate the amount of stopping distance you need between yourself and the car in front of you.

7. Grip the steering wheel correctly.

Keep your hands at 10 and 2. Keeping a good grip on the wheel is helpful when avoiding hazards on the road.

8. Stay alert and awake.

If you do find yourself feeling sleepy, the best thing to do is pull over and take a short nap. If you recognize you are too tired before you drive then it is best to stay home and avoid being behind the wheel at all. If you can’t avoid driving, think about opening a window to feel the breeze or singing along to a song to help keep you alert.

9. Wear your seatbelt the right way.

Make sure the lap and shoulder belt is snug and that you are wearing the lap part of the seatbelt on your hips. Seatbelts are there to protect you and others from being thrown from the car if an accident happens. Wearing it saves lives, so just do it.

10. Pay attention to the flow of traffic.

Sometimes signs are helpful, but just because a light or a sign is saying you have the right away, doesn’t always mean that is what is actually happening. Focus on the traffic flow and what other drivers are doing too.

11. Look as far ahead as you can.

You should try and focus your eyes past the first few cars in front of you. Doing so will keep you prepared for what is ahead.

12. Keep your headlights on.

Driving with your lights on during the day can help others be more aware of you on the road.

13. Don’t break during a tire blow out.

If you lay on the brakes when you have a tire blow out, it can potentially cause your car to flip into another vehicle or median. Do the opposite of what you think, hit the gas slightly and try to stay as straight as possible.

14. No Drinking and Driving.

Although this seems like it should be common sense, there are many people out there that do decide to get behind the wheel after they have had one too many drinks. Do yourself and all of us a favor and call a rideshare or cab.

15. Put your phone away.

Our phones are one of the biggest distractions when it comes to driving. Newer phones have the drive mode feature, where it will answer a text from a friend back saying that you are driving right now. The best way to avoid looking at your phone is putting it out of sight.


Follow the rules of the road and be courteous to other drivers. No distraction is worth a car crash or a life.

All of those tips above must be understood to become a good driver. Not only does this make you a law-abiding driver but it also protects you from causing accidents that can result in the loss of other people’s lives on the highway.

Make sure your vehicle in a good shape and fit to drive and if you encounter problems with your vehicle on the road and require towing services, you can contact us, Seara Towing is available 24 hours 7 days a week at this hotline number
