Arti Simbol Pada Lampu Indikator Dashboard Mobil

Perhatikan lampu indikator dashboard mobil anda

Sebagai pemilik mobil dan pengemudi yang baik, pernahkah Anda mengamati indikator pada dashboard mobil? Apakah lampu indikator yang tertera banyak menyala? Jika iya, maka dipastikan ada beberapa kesalahan pada komponen mobil Anda baik dalam hal pengereman, kurangnya aki atau hal lainnya. Untuk memastikan lebih jauh komponen apa yang tidak berfungsi baik, maka menjadi hal penting bagi Anda untuk mengetahui arti simbol pada dashboard mobil.

Di zaman yang semakin canggih ini, komponen kendaraan pun juga dibekali dengan sensor yang nantinya dimunculkan pada panel Speedometer. Hal ini sengaja dirancang supaya pengendara dapat mengetahui kendala apa saja yang dialami oleh kendaraannya. Jika memang ada masalah, lampu indikator akan terus menyala terang dan tidak akan mati sebelum diambil langkah perbaikan. Berikut simbol-simbol indikator pada Speedometer mobil.

Setiap mobil memiliki lampu indikator pada dashboard yang berbeda-beda

Simbol Lampu indikator Dashboard

Ada 64 jenis lampu indikator dashboard mobil dan setiap mobil memiliki kelengkapan indikator berbeda-beda sesuai fitur yang dimiliki. Berikut penjelasannya dalam beberapa Segmen :

A. Segmen Satu

    • Front Fog Lights Turned On: Menandakan bahwa lampu kabut depan menyala
    • Power Steering System: Jika lampu indikator ini hidup maka dipastikan ada kendala pada Power Steering di kemudi setir
    • Rear Fog Lights Switched On: Indikator ini menandakan bahwa lampu kabut di bodi belakang menyala
    • Low Level of Windshield Fluid: Hal ini merujuk pada kurangnya pasokan air pada Wiper
    • Worn Brake Pads: Fitur Brake Pads sudah tipis dan minta diganti
    • Cruise Control Is Activated: Indikator yang menandakan bahwa Cruise Control Anda sedang aktif
    • Signaling Direction: Lampu tanda belok sedang aktif
    • Trouble On Light Sensor/Rain Sensor: Ada masalah pada sensor cahaya/sensor hujan sehingga butuh langkah perbaikan
    • Winter Mode: Mode berkendara di medan salju sedang aktif, namun fitur ini sangat jarang ditemui pada mobil-mobil Indonesia karena perbedaan iklim
    • Info Indicator: Lampu indikator informasi menyala yang umumnya menginformasikan bahwa ada notifikasi penting seputar kendaraan

B. Segmen Dua

    • Diesel Auxiliary Heater: Pemanasan tambahan khusus pada mobil bermesin diesel
    • Ice Warning: Muncul sebuah notifikasi seketika Anda berjalan di area bersalju supaya Anda dapat berkendara lebih hati-hati
    • Starting System Problems: Terjadi masalah pada sistem starter mobil atau ketika Anda menghidupkan mesin
    • The Key Is Not In The Car: Kunci kontak tidak berada di dalam mobil
    • Key Low Baterry: Baterai pada kunci kontak habis dan perlu diganti
    • Warning Distance To Another Car: Peringatan jarak kendaraan Anda sudah sangat dekat dengan kendaraan lain
    • Push The Clutch: Indikator yang hidup ketika Anda tidak menginjak pedal kopling secara pas
    • Push The Brake Pedal: Indikator satu ini akan hidup untuk menunjukkan bahwa Anda harus menginjak pedal rem
    • Locked Steering-Wheel: Menandakan bahwa Steering Wheel terkunci, direkomendasikan untuk segara menghubungi teknisi ahli
    • Long Beam Turned On: Indikator ini hidup seketika lampu jauh menyala
    • Low Tire Pressure: Tekanan angin ban kurang, harap segera mengisi angin supaya laju mobil kembali stabil

C. Segmen Tiga

    • Short Beam On: Lampu dekat menyala
    •  Problems With Lights: Terjadi masalah pada lampu antara Head Light, Taillights atau Signal Bulbs
    •  Problems with Brake Lights: Adanya indikasi masalah pada lampu rem
    •  Problems with Particulate Filter: Ada masalah dengan komponen Particulate Filte
    •  Error/Disconnection of The Plug From The Trailer: Terjadi kerusakan/lepasnya Plug pada Trailer
    •  Air Suspension Problems: Adanya masalah pada sistem suspensi udara sehingga laju mobil terasa lebih keras dan tidak responsif
    •  Warning For Exceeding Lane: Fitur yang tersedia pada mobil masa kini yang mana jika menyala menandakan bahwa kendaraan Anda melaju di luar marka jalan
    •  Problems with Catalyst: Adanya masalah pada komponen Catalyst
    •  Seat Belt Warning: Peringatan audio akan menyala ketika sabuk pengaman belum terpasang, jika sudah terpasang maka lampu indikator akan mati
    •  Warning Parking Light: Menunjukkan bahwa rem parkir masih aktif
    •  Problem Battery or Alternator: Terjadi kesalahan pada komponen baterai atau alternator

D. Segmen Empat

    •  Parking Sensors Turned On: Sensor parkir menyala
    •  Warning Light Service: Menunjukkan bahwa mobil Anda sudah memasuki rentang waktu untuk servis berkala
    •  Adaptive Headlights Turned On: Lampu depan yang sudah menggunakan teknologi Adaptive Control menyala aktif
    •  Headlight Inclination: Menginformasikan tentang sudut lampu depan
    •  Problem Rear Spoiler: Menerangkan tentang kerusakan pada fungsi Rear Spoiler
    •  Problem in Triggering Electric Roof: Mengindikasikan adanya gangguan pada Electric Roof pada atap mobil
    •  Front Airbag Off: Menunjukkan bahwa Air Bag depan tidak aktif
    •  Handbrake Is Pulled On: Rem Tangan Ditarik
    • Water In Fuel Filter: Terdapat air pada Fuel Filter yang dapat berdampak pada operasi mesin
    •  Airbag Switched Off: Airbag dalam posisi tidak aktif
    •  Mechanical Problem: Terjadi masalah pada sistem elektrik atau sistem mekanikal mobil

E. Segmen Lima

  •  Short Beam Turned On: Lampu dekat dalam posisi menyala
  •  Dirty Air Filter Replacement: Menunjukkan bahwa Air Filter kotor dan butuh diganti secepatnya
  •  ECO Mode Turned On: Mode berkendara ekonomis, hemat bahan bakar, dalam posisi aktif
  •  Downhill Assist On: Teknologi Down Hill Assist aktif dengan fungsi supaya kendaraan dapat melaju di turunan lebih aman
  •  Cooling System Problems: Terjadi masalah pada operasi pendingin
  •  Problem With ABS: Terjadi masalah terhadap teknologi pengereman ABS
  •  Problem With Fuel Filter: Adanya masalah pada Fuel Filter sehingga butuh penanganan lebih lanjut
  •  Open Door: Menunjukkan bahwa pintu mobil belum tertutup rapat
  • Open Hood: Mengindikasikan bahwa kap mesin masih belum tertutup sempurna.
  • Fuel Tank On Reserve: Bahan bakar menipis dan harus segara di isi ke POM Bensin terdekat
  • Automatic Gearbox Problems: Terjadinya masalah pada transmisi otomatis Gearbox
  • Speed Limiter: Batasan kecepatan sudah aktif
  • Suspension Problems: Adanya indikasi kerusakan pada komponen suspensi
  • Low Oil Pressure: Tekanan oli mesin terdeteksi rendah sehingga butuh diisi ulang
  • Front Window Defroster: Sistem anti beku/embun di kaca depan sedang aktif
  • Open Trunk: Pintu bagasi belum tertutup rapat
  • ESP Off: Teknologi kestabilan ESP sedang dalam posisi mati
  • Rain Sensor: Sensor hujan aktif
  • Engine Problems: Terjadi masalah atau kerusakan pada mesin sehingga membutuhkan inspeksi lebih lanjut di diler resmi kendaraan Anda
  • Rear Window Defroster: Sistem anti beku/embun pada kaca belakang aktif
  •  The Automatic Windscreen Wiper: Wiper kaca depan sedang memasuki mode otomatis

Jika dalam prosesnya, Anda merasakan bahwa semua komponen berjalan normal namun lampu indikator terus menyala, hal tersebut juga menjadi sebuah masalah terkait sensor pada setiap komponen.  Namun jika lampu indikator tersebut menyala dan Anda mulai merasakan gejala aneh pada mobil, pastikan Anda segera membawa mobil Anda ke bengkel terdekat menggunakan jasa layanan Seara Towing. Hal ini tentu membahayakan jika ditangani secara tanggap yang dikhawatirkan dapat meningkatkan potensi kecelakaan.

How To Becoming a Safer Driver

Safe driving is the first step in preventing accidents on the road. This month focuses on reducing leading causes of injury and death at work, in our homes and communities, and on the road. Vehicle safety is more important than ever since statistics are showing that auto accidents are on the rise. We understand that there are more distractions than ever while driving these days; the map on your car’s dashboard won’t work, the kids are screaming in the backseat, and your cell phone is buzzing, but it is your responsibility when you get behind a wheel to ensure your and others safety.

Here are Tips You Can Take to Become A Safer Driver:

1. Focus on driving.

Keep your attention and eyes on the road at all times. No-multi-tasking while driving, put all the distractions away and focus on what is happening around you.

2. Plan Ahead.

Everyone is always running late which can cause high speeds and distracted driving. Wake up a little bit earlier so you can leave for your commute a few minutes earlier. Doing so will help you slow down. Give yourself some extra time in case there are accidents on your route, or you need to stop for gas along the way.

3. Go the speed limit.

It seems pretty simple, but the speed limit signs are there for a reason; to protect you and others on the road. If you are speeding more damage can be caused when an accident does occur. Remember: it is okay to maintain the correct speed limit and let others pass by you.

4. Watch the weather.

During inclement weather, drive at slower speeds to avoid skidding on ice or hydroplaning. Turn your lights on day or night when it is raining or if there is fog. Remember: when the weather is terrible, go easy on the brakes to maintain better control over your vehicle.

5. Look both ways at an intersection.

It only takes a few seconds to look both ways before going again after the light turns green. Before you cross, take a quick peak left and right to be sure that no other cars are coming through the intersection.

6. Keep your distance. No one likes a tailgater.

The rule of thumb is to be three seconds apart from the car in front of you. Double that amount if there happens to be bad weather. Don’t underestimate the amount of stopping distance you need between yourself and the car in front of you.

7. Grip the steering wheel correctly.

Keep your hands at 10 and 2. Keeping a good grip on the wheel is helpful when avoiding hazards on the road.

8. Stay alert and awake.

If you do find yourself feeling sleepy, the best thing to do is pull over and take a short nap. If you recognize you are too tired before you drive then it is best to stay home and avoid being behind the wheel at all. If you can’t avoid driving, think about opening a window to feel the breeze or singing along to a song to help keep you alert.

9. Wear your seatbelt the right way.

Make sure the lap and shoulder belt is snug and that you are wearing the lap part of the seatbelt on your hips. Seatbelts are there to protect you and others from being thrown from the car if an accident happens. Wearing it saves lives, so just do it.

10. Pay attention to the flow of traffic.

Sometimes signs are helpful, but just because a light or a sign is saying you have the right away, doesn’t always mean that is what is actually happening. Focus on the traffic flow and what other drivers are doing too.

11. Look as far ahead as you can.

You should try and focus your eyes past the first few cars in front of you. Doing so will keep you prepared for what is ahead.

12. Keep your headlights on.

Driving with your lights on during the day can help others be more aware of you on the road.

13. Don’t break during a tire blow out.

If you lay on the brakes when you have a tire blow out, it can potentially cause your car to flip into another vehicle or median. Do the opposite of what you think, hit the gas slightly and try to stay as straight as possible.

14. No Drinking and Driving.

Although this seems like it should be common sense, there are many people out there that do decide to get behind the wheel after they have had one too many drinks. Do yourself and all of us a favor and call a rideshare or cab.

15. Put your phone away.

Our phones are one of the biggest distractions when it comes to driving. Newer phones have the drive mode feature, where it will answer a text from a friend back saying that you are driving right now. The best way to avoid looking at your phone is putting it out of sight.


Follow the rules of the road and be courteous to other drivers. No distraction is worth a car crash or a life.

All of those tips above must be understood to become a good driver. Not only does this make you a law-abiding driver but it also protects you from causing accidents that can result in the loss of other people’s lives on the highway.

Make sure your vehicle in a good shape and fit to drive and if you encounter problems with your vehicle on the road and require towing services, you can contact us, Seara Towing is available 24 hours 7 days a week at this hotline number
